SB Initiative, Inc. is pleased to announce that Swan Ball 2025 will be held at a magical location in Edwin Warner Park and will benefit Friends of Warner Parks.

“So many Nashvillians cherish the proximity of the Warner Parks to our neighborhoods and the beauty of its extensive trail systems, forests, and fields, which were originally gifted to the City of Nashville almost 100 years ago by Percy Warner’s son-in-law, Colonel Luke Lea,” say Swan Ball 2025 Chairs Melanie Baker and Laura Niewold in making their announcement. “Further, we are compelled by the mission of Friends of Warner Parks, and the significant impact Swan Ball volunteers can once again make to a beneficiary and our community.”

Swan Ball 2025 will be held on Saturday, June 7, 2025. The Swan Ball chairs look forward to working with their dedicated team of more than 200 volunteers to plan and execute the traditional schedule of events.

“As we consider the next chapter for Swan Ball, we are excited to continue our good work of the last six decades to enhance the quality of life in our community,” say SB Initiative, Inc. Board Co-Chairs Kathryn C. Brown and Elizabeth L. Nichols.  “Over the past few months, it has been rewarding to hear non-profit organizations marvel over the strength and impact that the Swan Ball volunteers can make on our community.”

The Swan Ball gift will be transformative for Friends of Warner Parks as they pursue their mission to preserve and protect Percy and Edwin Warner Parks (the Warner Parks). The funds will be allocated directly to programming that inspires appreciation and stewardship of this unique resource and to the maintenance and enhancement of the Warner Parks and its historic structures.

The Warner Parks is a 3,195-acre environmental oasis, just nine miles from downtown Nashville, enjoyed by the entire Nashville community. In a close public-private partnership with Metro Nashville Parks and Recreation, Friends of Warner Parks honors its commitment to this iconic public space by overseeing comprehensive land and resource management, enhancing its treasured historic features (listed in the National Register of Historic Places), and promoting educational programs that inspire a connection to nature.

Founded in 1963 by Mrs. Jane Anderson Dudley, the Swan Ball committee has donated more than $37 million, including $2 million during the two-year Covid hiatus (an unprecedented time in fundraising) , for the benefit of the Nashville community.

The SB Initiative, Inc. is a 501c3 organization registered in the State of Tennessee. The Board of Directors of SB Initiative, Inc. is comprised of: Beth Alexander, Jean Bottorff, Kathryn Brown, Laurel Buntin, Jana Davis, Kathleen Estes, Karyn Frist, Peggy Kinnard, Jennie McCabe, Elizabeth Nichols, Julie Stadler, Julie Walker and Sissy Wilson. Edie Johnson serves as an advisor to the board.